Brand Brand Show
- SmartGel ® Integrated Gel Imaging and Analysis System
- ChampGel ® Automatic Gel Imaging and Analysis System
- SmartChemi ® Integrated Chemiluminescent / Fluorescent / Gel Imagingand Analysis System
- ChampChemi ® Chemiluminescent / Fluorescent / Gel Imaging and Analysis System
- MiniChemi ® Mini Chemiluminescent / Fluorescent Imaging and Analysis System
- AT-Spot Enzyme-linked Immunospot Image Analyzer
- Drop A200 Automatic Digital PCR System
- ChampBlue ® Ultra Slim Blue Light LED illuminator
- SINSAGE Professional Electrophoresis Overall Solution
- ChampUV ® UV Transilluminate Gel Operation Table
- SGLinker UV Crosslinker
- Sage-SD Semi Dry Transfer System
- Galaxy Storm ® Multifunctional Laser Imaging System
- Galaxy ® Mini Multifunctional Laser Imaging System
- SINSAGE - S2000 Dry Baths
- SINSAGE - S180 CNC Circular Shaker
- SINSAGE Fetal Bovine Serum
- Sage LipoPlus ® DNA Transfection Reagent
- SageCreation ® CCK-8 Cell Viability Assay Kit
- SageBrightness ® Enhanced Chemiluminescence Substrate Solution
- PRIMO Bioengineering Custom Microenvironments System
- PRIMO 3D Organoid Preparation System
- 3D Organoid and Cellular Microenvironment Preparation and High-throughput Detection System
- 3D Organoid and Cellular Microenvironment Preparation and High-Resolution Detection System
- 3D Organoid and Cellular Microenvironment Preparation and Fast Detection System
- 3D Organoid and Cellular Microenvironment Preparation and High-resolution AI-analyzed Detection System
As a one-stop solution provider for life science tools, SinSage Technology Co. Ltd. is a professional service platform for life science instruments, which integrates independent R&D, transformation of overseas advanced technologies and introduction of overseas cutting-edge products. Our product lines cover molecular biology, cell biology, organoid construction system, molecular imaging, laboratory animals, drug screening and automation, etc. Science First!

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Installation of instruments and equipment
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